The BYCT Learning Pathway

General Guideline

  • Batch Entry (Cohort Admission): 1st of every month.

  • Penalty System:

    • Missing a deadline results in a warning and additional support.

    • Missing two consecutive deadlines requires the learner to restart the program the following month.

Level 1: Absolute Beginners - (12 weeks)

  1. Weekly Challenges and Resources: Provided by the instructor.

  1. Project Guidance: Clear guidelines and examples for the project. Milestone checkpoints every 4 weeks.

  1. Learning Objective: Generalization of knowledge.

  1. Pathway:

Determine learning goals -> Choose a challenge category -> Complete weekly challenges -> Develop a personal project with milestone reviews.

Level 2: Specialization - (24 weeks)

  1. Completion of Level 1: Regardless of prior experience, to ensure consistency.

  1. Mentorship: Support at least one Level 1 learner with structured mentorship training.

  1. Professional Setting: Work with tools like GitHub, Asana, and others.

  1. Learning Objective: Mastery of a niche area.

  1. Pathway:

Crash course on professional tools -> Complete bi-weekly challenges -> Build a high-standard product/portfolio with regular progress evaluations

Last updated